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Center Ideas: Alignment is Key to Increasing Synergy in Teacher Leadership Initiatives

In 2020, the West Virginia Legislature passed House Bill 4804, directing the West Virginia Department of Education to assist county school boards with the design and implementation of a teacher leadership framework.

As local WV boards of education and school districts develop their teacher leadership frameworks, staff should consider how talent management practices focus on teacher leadership competencies and how teacher leadership talent management practices – including selection, functions, professional development and compensation – fit together, and align with overall organizational goals.

Recent research suggests when the goals, selection process, functions, and professional development of teacher leadership initiatives are aligned, teachers’ perceive more positive effects. Once staff identify the key teacher leadership competencies for their teacher leadership framework, they can adapt tools, such as, the Human Capital Management Alignment for Teacher Leadership Initiatives, to assess and improve the alignment of their talent management practices. To do so, staff need to switch out the teacher leadership competencies and human capital management areas with their state or district competencies and/or practice areas.

For more information and support, contact the Region 5 Comprehensive Center.